There are three tiers of governance for The Keep Learning Trust. There are the Members, the Trustees and the Local Governors. An overview of the roles and responsibilities are outlined below with additional detail available in the Trust's Articles of Association.
Every trust has members who have a similar role to shareholders of a company limited by shares. Their key responsibilities are to appoint Trustees and, if necessary, remove them. They are also responsible for appointing the external auditor for the Trust. Members are appointed in line with the Articles of Association. Bury College, as sponsor of the Trust, is a corporate member. The DfE’s stated preference is that trusts should have at least five members and the Trust is compliant with that.
The link below provides information on the Member appointment details and Register of their Business Interests.
Members Appointment Details/ Register of Business Interests 2024 - 25
The current Chair of the Members Board is Mark Granby.
The Board of Trustees is the accountable body for the Trust. The Board must ensure that the terms of the Funding Agreements are fully met and is also responsible for ensuring that the Trust complies with company law and charity law. Trustees are appointed in line with the Articles of Association.
The current Chair of the Board of Trustees is Mark Granby.
The Trust Board delegates roles and responsibilities in line with the Scheme of Delegation. There are currently three committees of the Trust Board and these are:
- Standards and School Improvement Committee Chair: Rebecca Dunne
- People Committee Chair: Jeffrey Rose
- Finance, Operations, Risk and Audit Committee Chair: Chris Trees
- Remuneration Committee Chair: Jeffrey Rose
Please see the link below for our Trustee appointment details and Register of Business Interests. This also includes details of the Trust’s Accounting Officer/Chief Executive Officer even though the Board has not appointed him as a trustee.
Trustee Appointment Details/Register of Business Interests - 2024 - 25
The links below provide information on Trustee attendance levels at the Board and Committee meetings for the last academic year. It should be noted that the Remuneration Committee was only established in September 2023.
Trust Board/Resource & Audit Committee/Standards & School Improvement Attendance 2023/2024
Local Governing Committee
The Trust Board has established a Local Governing Committee for each of the schools in the Trust. Effective local governance is key to the success of strategic governance for the trust.
The overarching responsibilities of the Local Governing Committees are to:
- Provide challenge and support to the school’s senior leadership team in ensuring optimum educational performance and a broad and effective curriculum.
- Ensure that the school hears the voice of key stakeholders; the children, the staff; parents and the wider community.
- Ensure that the school is safe and that the needs of the most vulnerable children are being met.
The current Chairs of the Local Governing Committees at the Trust’s schools are:
- Radcliffe Primary School Chair: Shirley Thornton
- Elton Primary School Chair: Julie Ainsworth
- Park View Primary School Chair: Andrew Rhodes
- Old Hall Chair: Emma Manifold
- Greenmount Chair: Catrina Dyer
Please click each link below to take you to our Trust Local Governor pages. Here you will find Governor details, Attendance Records and Business Interests:
- Elton Primary School
- Greenmount Primary School
- Old Hall Primary School
- Park View Primary School
- Radcliffe Primary School
Agendas and minutes are available on request. Please email
Please click on the below links to access the document.
Code of Conduct for Trustees and Governors
Elton Local Governing Body Attendance 2023-2024
Park View Governing Body Attendance 2023-2024
Radcliffe Local Governing Body Attendance 2023-2024
Greenmount Governing Body Attendance 2024-2025
Register of Business Interests - Schools
Elton Local Governing Body 2022-2023
Park View Local Governing Body 2022-2023
Radcliffe Local Governing Body 2022-2023
Greenmount Local Governing Body 2024-2025
Members Appointment Details/Register of Business Interests - 2023-2024
Trustee Appointment Details/Register of Business Interests - 2023-2024